Teacher of the module of lighting technology and lighting control in the cycle of lighting, image capture and processing of the IES Guadalpín de Marbella (Málaga) since 2021.

Teacher of the module of lighting technology and lighting control in the cycle of lighting, image capture and processing of the IES Guadalpín de Marbella (Málaga) since 2021.
David Benito Picón was born in 1979 in Madrid. He has a degree in Art History and Fine Arts, a Master’s degree in Research in Art and Creation and collaborates with the Photography Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the UCM. He has worked in the technical area with the companies Atra Bilis, […]
Graduate in Art History and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca. He is also an Image Technician after studying this Higher Grade cycle. Among her recent studies, she has a Master’s Degree in Humanities: Contemporary Art, Literature and Culture, by the UOC. He is currently teaching at the CPIFP Los Enlaces (Zaragoza) for 8 […]
Since 2010 teaching a module of show lighting (scenic and concerts) at IES Puerta Bonita. Mail
Teacher at CIFP José Luis Garci.
I have been a teacher since 2004 of the Image and Sound cycles of the Junta de Andalucía. For the last 10 years I have been teaching in the Lighting, Image Capture and Treatment cycle at Ies Guadalpín in Marbella, teaching the Lighting Projects Module, among others....