Association of Lighting Authors

XXIX Encounter of Light

XXIX Encounter of Light

La Asociación de Autores de Iluminación presentó el XXIX Encuentro de la luz con Antonio Arrabal, diseñador de iluminación de esta producción de Índigo...
Fluge Audiovisuales: new premium sponsor

Fluge Audiovisuales: new premium sponsor

We are pleased to announce the incorporation of Fluge Audiovisuales as our new premium sponsor. Fluge Audiovisuales is one of the main business corporations in the sector, leader in the Spanish territory. We wish to express our sincere thanks to each of our members...
Bugallo, Emilio

Bugallo, Emilio

The Association of Lighting and Video Scene Authors pays posthumous tribute to the lighting designer and pioneer of this profession in Spain, by naming Emilio Bugallo as Honorary Member. In the seventies Emilio began his journey in the world of performing arts as part...