Association of Lighting Authors

García Doncel, Juan

Categoría: Honorary Members

I am very happy that it has been decided to give this beautiful recognition to Don Juan García Doncel.

I think that after so many years of profession and good work, he is justly deserving. In my opinion, he is an illustrious and undisputed figure in our sector. And a great Lord.

Personally, I have a great affection and admiration for him. He’s the one who caused me to be in this today. I was captivated by his professional seriousness, his discipline, his rigor, his know-how, his control over all aspects of television lighting and his determination to model all the nuances, no matter how tiny, to improve the final result of his projects, setting very high quality standards.

A wise man with whom we can fortunately enjoy sharing his knowledge and experience.

And to all this wisdom is added a humble, generous person. Good people.

I know I am not objective. Nor do I pretend to. But I also know that there are many of us in this sector who admire him and that so many people cannot be wrong.

Thanks for everything Juan. Mila esker!

Iñaki Irastorza (AAI)

He was made an honorary member of the AAI in June 2015.