Asociación de autores de iluminación

XVIII ENCOUNTER OF LIGHT with the Lighting Designer Jonay Díaz at the celebration of the Carnival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on February 23rd.

The Association of Authors of Illumination would like to invite you to share with us the XVIII Meeting of Light that comes from the hand of our partner and Lighting Designer, Jonay Díaz with the scenography of Xhoxband the Artistic Direction ofIsrael Reyes . A meeting full of colour and rhythm, the celebration of Carnival […]
Por Adadi
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Association of Authors of Illumination
would like to invite you to share with us the XVIII Meeting of Light that comes from the hand of our partner and Lighting Designer, Jonay Díaz with the scenography of Xhoxband the Artistic Direction ofIsrael Reyes . A meeting full of colour and rhythm, the celebration of Carnival in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. We can assure you that this invitation is worthy of mention and recognition, to go out into the streets to enjoy the great atmosphere that is breathed and also as is characteristic of our meetings, which can detail the entire technical process of lighting that involves putting it in place, a technical guided tour. A great opportunity that anyone who has it on hand should take advantage of.

You can write to the Secretary and we will clarify any doubts you may have. Take advantage of the great opportunity to live the Carnival with this great Lighting Designer and member of the AAI.



Meeting of the Light at 11:30 am in the SANTA CATALINA PARK, by the Security entrance at Nicolás Estévanez Street.

Dress Rehearsal, Queen’s Gala at 18:00 hrs




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Asociación de autores de iluminación
La Asociación de Autores de Iluminación (AAI), se crea en el año 1998 con la voluntad de aunar esfuerzos y obtener un mayor reconocimiento profesional de la figura del Diseñador de iluminación.